Gôrôtan (Human) (Gō-rō-tan)
(Concept Sketch by Joe Shawcross)
Height: 5'7" (male) 5'4" (female)
Build: Average
Hair: Browns and blacks most common, but any human variation is possible
Eyes: Brown, blue
Lifespan: 55-65 years
Decoration: Tatooing is very rare amongst the common population, while being common (but concealed) amongst criminal organizations and certain guilds. Piercing of ears is very common amongst men and women. By the 11th century F.E. the upper class men of the Gôrôtan have developed a reputation for being "dandies" and this spreads to all who can afford fashion as guilds expand. The women tend to wear their hair long and flowing, while the men are mostly tightly groomed, taking pride in waxed mustaches and neatly trimmed hair.
Weapon Preferences: Maces and pole-arms of a thousand variations, broad-rapiers and crossbows are extremely popular. Guardsman almost always carry a mace as a sidearm, but most prominently display halberds.
Language: Gôrôt
Currency: Each city-nation mints its own coins through the 11th century F.E. A transition to a standardized currency occurs during the reign of Montevô the Mighty, based upon the coins of Brexê. This new coin system is based on the White Stag, minted from electrum as a 45/55 gold/silver mix. The most valuable coin is the Gold Stag, and the least valuable the Silver Stag. All Stags have Quarter, Half and Full Stag variations.
Religion: The Florêenu: A Pantheon of 10 gods and a thousand servants, without a clear leader. The City-States each tend to have their own Patron of the Florêenu.
Religious Tolerance: The Gôrôtan are a remarkably tolerant culture, if you consider how often they go to war over religion! All is well so long as you don't flaunt your religion or insult theirs. Push their sensibilities too far and blood will flow. With proper respect, they will respect your views.
Attribute Bonuses: Strength +4, Endurance +5, Appearance +3, Affinity +3, Intelligence +2, Intuition +2
The Gôrôtan of the early First Era live upon the southern portion of the Lœsî Peninsula, a people culturally connected by their worship of the Florêenu Pantheon. The first century after the Forgetting is marred by much bloodshed, the end result of which is a collection of various "city-states" with a multitude of political variations. The common themes from city to city are the "Great Houses" (or Ilôs Esidên) who hold the most political power. From there comparisons start to get complicated, as rule varies from republic and semi-democratic to monarchal and theocratic. Montevô the Mighty is often given credit for uniting the city-states in 1047 F.E., through war and a multitude of treaties, but his great-great-grand nephew, Polevô the First is likely due more accolades for uniting the psyche of the people into being "Gôrôtan" rather than citizens of city-states, as he fends off the Listôlên invaders from the north.
Throughout the city-states there is always a sense of moral propriety and social decorum that to outsiders might seem a bit "prissy", which is a major difference between them and their more barbaric northern neighbors, the Listôlên. Both men and women tend to preen, and both are expected to smell nice when in polite company. Bathing in scented waters is a ritual carried with them even into warfare, at least to the best of their ability. Clothiers are held in high esteem, and as the guild system develops in the 6th century F.E., the Tailor's Guild is prominent and powerful, controlling much of the textile markets. This influence grows as the Gôrôtan soldify into a single political entity, and through the centuries to come as a great deal of trade flows past their borders.
Upto the seventh century F.E. the Gôrôtan know two primary enemies, the Listulên to the north and the Korômon across the sea. They retain a decent trade relationship with the Bobaru for the most part, but this relationship faces many trials over the years, both due to religion and Bobaru attempts at taxing the flow of goods past their island. Their mountains, hills and forests are relatively wild once outside the direct protection of the cities, and several races of ogre-like beings make life outside the city spheres of influence quite dangerous. Of particular note are the Yungkî, or as the Gôrôtan call them, the Night Stabbers, a nation of mountain dwelling ogres who periodically lash out at their flat-land neighbors.