Listulên (Human) (List-u-lẽn)
Height: 5'4" (male) 5'4" (female)
Build: Stocky
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Lifespan: 35-45 years
Decoration: Piercings, scarring and other bodily decoration are common place, including war paints to create demonic visages. Filed teeth to create fangs is very common.
Weapon Preferences:
Language: Listul
Currency: Mostly scavenged with very few custom minted coins in circulation.
Religion: Ômîk Dêȥu
Religious Tolerance: Very Low
Attribute Bonuses: Quickness +2, Agility -5, Strength +5, Endurance +3, Health +5, Affinity -3, Cunning +3, Intuition +2
Despite being human the Listulên would find it difficult to blend in with most human cultures as their heads are disproportionately large with broad noses and eyes set deep beneath a highly pronounced supraorbital ridge, which the women share (albeit to a lesser extreme) and they genetically trend toward a severe underbite. They are also shorter and stronger than most humans.
Men and women are just as likely to be warriors and leaders in the culture and equally brutal in warfare. Cannibalizing other peoples (but not their own) is a known practice, and is in fact what leads to their brutal downfall. They also practice many forms of grisly torture to feed the powers of their demons, gain information and as twisted entertainment. Few Listulên travel the world and they have little trade with foreigners, but those that do travel (understandably) either tone down their cultural predilections or discard them entirely.
The Listulên are a barbaric people ruled by secular tribal chieftains known as Vîku with their high priests, known as Kardên, for spiritual advisors. The Ômîk Dêȥu is a Demonic Pantheon rather than a High Religion. Because of this the "gods" of the Listulên may in fact appear in the flesh, so to speak. The beings that make up the Ômîk Dêȥu are non-corporeal shadow creatures, who are actually said to be servants of the Greater Dêȥu who can not reach the Continents. These shadow-demons are capable of being summoned and serving the priests directly. These creatures are powerful by human standards and make the otherwise primitive Listulên people formidable in warfare. Over the centuries the Listulên advance little culturally, and being sandwiched between the Êdân and Gôrôtan they have little room for expansion. In the 12th century F.E. the Listulên unite beneath the banner of Tîgrun and his summoned demon-lord and they wage a brutal war against the Gôrôtan which is a short-term success that leads to their eventual decimation at the hands of the Gôrôtan. The few surviving tribes scatter into the mountains and eventually go extinct in the region circa 1500 F.E. at the hands of Ogres and Gôrôtan. Individual Listulên continue to survive in small pockets around the world, but they generally have melted into the culture around them. By 2000 F.E. there are no known pockets that have avoided interbreeding sufficiently to be considered full Listulên.