Height: 5’3” (Male) 5’3” (female)
Build: Lean
Hair: Varius Oranges and reds, white, silver, with black tiger stripes
Eyes: Gold
Lifespan: 40-45
Decoration: None
Weapon Preferences: Composite bows, spears, daggers
Language: Fowstên
Currency: Barter, with precious metals traded at basic bullion value.
Religion: Tûotukrêx
Religious Tolerance: Lenient
Skill Bonuses:
Known by many who see them as Sea-Tigers the Rivinfowst are in appearance related to felines, but there are some distinct differences between them and their presumed relatives. Like tigers they have no fear of water, and in fact spend a good portion of their lives in water, with oily water repellant coats and the ability to hold their breath for over ten minutes, as well as oversized, webbed paws. Due to their affinity with water most tribes are found along coasts, lakes and rivers, but they certainly foray into local forests, where they are nearly at home in the trees as they are on the ground. The Zjwozûlu Islands are dominated by the Rivinfowst during the first half the F.E.
The Rivinfowst worship a god named Tûotukrêx who reputedly lives in the Lake of Eight Rivers, but most major religions of the world would deny that this being is a true god, that it is instead an extremely powerful Elemental with affinity for Water and Life, but the Sea-Tigers care little about such distinctions. Tûotukrêx assists in keeping the lake and its rivers from Îwark influence as well as aiding the people in healing and other rituals. High Shamans of the religion often disappear into the lakes for weeks on end, some to never return. This has lead to the belief that Tûotukrêx supports a community of elder priests beneath the lake’s waters so that they may return to aid the people in times of great need. Although the nature of this is unproven, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest it is true.
The Îwark are the most common enemy of the Rivinfowst with tribes often having skirmishes when they meet. This conflict is sporadic until the time of the Twister of Trees, at which time the Rivinfowst see a change in their territorial challengers that alters the relationship from rival to dreaded foe. Unwilling to bow the Twister of Trees and his followers the Rivinfowst are driven to eventually live almost exclusively in the waters of the Eight Rivers and its lake. By 1500 F.E. many Rivinfowst have sought refuge on the Indêôwarâ Islands and some have even traveled up the Tûbaru River to resettle in territories held by the Ilu-Sivstrô.