Tek (Tek)
Height: 5'9" (male) 5'5" (female)
Build: Stocky
Hair: Brown most common, but all typical human varieties
Eyes: Brown
Lifespan: 50-55 years
Weapon Preferences:
Language: Vîkoxin (Tongue of the Peoples)
Religion: Hokandît Pantheon
Religious Tolerance:
Skill Bonuses: Endurance +7, Health +1, Affinity +3, Cunning +2
The word Tek is short for Vîkonditek, which can be roughy translated as Peoples of the Nations, or Vîkon Ôlôtek, Peoples of the One-Hundred Nations. Immediately following the Forgetting there were an untold number of Teks (nations) with pretty much everyone who held a fort or church claiming to be a great leader. Violence and the threat thereof reduced ths number rapidly until at around the turn of the first century F.E. we see the establishment of the One Hundred Nations that historians will recognize for centuries to come. This is not to say that there are 100 independent nations at any given time, but rather that territories and boundaries recognized at this time will retain the names of said nations. Actual rulership of these territories or nations transitions with great regularity as the Tek do battle with themselves more than they do with any neighbor. This propensity to kill each other is the one thing that keeps the entirety of Northern Vandunêz from falling under their control (outside of Eleris Êdân, which might be too much for anyone to conquer) and moving to the southern continent and beyond.
The root of the dischord amongst the Tek peoples is religion, despite the fact that they worship gods of the same pantheon. If surviving records are to be believed, the Hokandît were a very powerful Pantheon during the Age of God Wars held together by Argîn, father of their religion. Under his rulership they are arguably in the first tier of powers, but a single catastrophic event set the Pantheon into a war of ascension. The Hokandît gods are depicted as being very human-like, with urges quite human, and thus Argîn had a penchant to satisfy certain desires with human women, reputedly even producing offspring. The wife of Argîn seemed able to do little about these affairs, or she cared little, which is hard to say, but his philandering was to eventually be his downfall. After swearing before the gods that he would no longer partake in mortal love he was caught in the bed chambers of a young princess, and not by his wife, Juntêlu, but rather by his violence prone daughter, Fîkezê, who thrust her spear through her father's heart, killing both the head of the Hokandît and his lover. When Juntêlu discovered this she attempted to banish her daughter for such a crime while at the same time trying to seize power over the Pantheon. Long story short, the spear still wet with her father's blood struck Juntêlu (who was not her biological mother) down and Fîkezê claimed leadership for herself, and despite not being able to control the Pantheon, she does become a central and extremely powerful contender for the throne. Whether or not the battle is ever won in the world the Hokandît call home no one knows for certain, but upon the Sister Continents wars flicker or rage between the nations throughout the history of the world, all in the name of their feuding gods.