Author Toys #1: The Waster
The Waster
Today’s installment will kill two birds with one stone. I get to play show and tell and answer a question I’ve been asked a few times by folks reading the Sundering the Gods Saga, in particular by those first encountering the term in Eve of Snows.
What the heck is a waster?
The waster is a wooden sword used for practicing combat. It ideally carries the same approximate dimensions and weight as the weapon being trained, but is far less likely to damage armor or the person beneath the armor. I own a longsword waster for practicing longsword combat—full disclosure, I do not do that often, but wish I did—while I bought a main gauche (parrying dagger) for my daughter Ashlee when she was little because like Bilbo with Sting, it worked as a sword for her!
These are awesome toys, and I only wish I had something like this when I was kid hunting orcs and trolls in the local creek with a sword crafted from a stick wrapped in electrical tape. There was a reason my sword back then was named Black Death, the electrical tape was black. Happily, I did have some yellow tape for the handle.
And here a couple of photos, visual aids if you will.
Next Up! Author Toys Meets Inspiration: The Wolverine’s Axes.
My daughter’s sword from when she was little, the Main Gauche.
My 2nd Degree Black Belt daughter standing beside the waster Long Sword.