Ûvî (Human) (Oo-vī)
Height: 6'1"" (male) 5'11" (female)
Build: Stocky
Hair: Brown most common, but all typical human varieties
Eyes: Brown most common, but all typical human variaties
Lifespan: 65-70 years
Decoration: Gold, silver and copper jewelry are extremely popular for both men and women. Neither scarring nor tatoos are commonplace outside of Shamans and other religious figures. Hair tends to long, with the men braiding their hair and women wearing it loose.
Weapon Preferences: Spear, Composite Bow (small for mounted combat) and Scimitar.
Language: Ûvên
Currency: Non-Standard during F.E., and relying mostly upon barter between clans.
Religion: The Wardens, aka Skywardens, Skyriders. A loose knit Pantheon of 12 gods who once lived upon Mount Æzjûn.
Religious Tolerance: High
Attribute Bonuses: Strength +2, Endurance +5, Health +6, Appearance +3, Cunning +4, Wisdom +3, Intuition +3
The Ûvî are a nomadic people living in the east of Southern Vandunêz who come to be known as some of the fiercest warriors upon the Vandunêz continents. The Ûvî are broken into many clans, all of which raise some of the finest horses in all the world and it is these horses that these people come to rely upon for nearly everything. Early F.E. most clans are purely nomadic hunter-gatherers who come together for one month of the year at the base of Mount Æzjûn for what is known as the Conclave of the New Sky. The Conclave is a meeting of elder Shaman from each clan and during this time no bloodshed between the clans is allowed. Later many clans begin herding a newly domesticated breed of buffalo, which becomes a primary sourse of sustenance. From there a few more or less permanent settlements begin to develop by 750 F.E.
The Ûvî are legendary on horseback and are unequaled at mounted combat on Southern Vandunêz, and it is this skill that keeps them independent from the Lûxuns early on, and Glim later in time. Their ferocity is very practical, a matter of survival rather than any desire for bloodshed, so they treat their enemies (who are not Ûvî) in a nearly Machiavellian fashion. This breeds fear, respect and contempt amongst those who fight these people.
Wars between the Ûvî clans are typically more respectful, which is again a practical matter. The plains and hills they live upon are very dangerous, and they have many enemies that they sometimes must band together to ward off. Therefore, wiping out another clan is considered foolhardy, for today's enemy might be the friend at your back tomorrow.