A portrait of a young Wiirê warrior with his eyes in a transitional stage. They are born with normal eyes, but due to a specialized diet, their eyes will eventually turn a bright yellow with the benefit of being able to better see the many camouflaged creatures hunting in their native forests, but the diet also reduces their average lifespan. Learn more in the novel Whispers of Ghosts and the upcoming Sundering the Crowns Saga.
A view of the Gorô city of Kôlekâ from the southern side of the harbor. Kôlekâ is relatively small as far as Gorô cities go, with a population of around 30,000 souls as of the 500th year of Remembered Time. While small, it has been influential in the textile trade. One noteworthy point in its history is that Kôlekâ refused to join the coalition of cities that went on to raze the city of Compunêu. Ramifications of this choice continue to resonate in the era of upcoming books.
In the Age of God Wars, adherents of various religions could summon their gods to the mortal world, most often for battle. Depicted here is the "Summoning of the Foundationals", a mural found in the Kingdom of Helmveline in the Dragonspan Mountains. Whether this is an accurate period work or an artist's imagining is unknown.
A portrait of Sîu, a character first met in Whispers of Ghosts. Sîu is from the island of Pôn in the Medrisên Sea. Her culture is known for its peaceful nature, but over the last few decades this has been taken advantage of by the Histê Kingdoms. Bloodshed was followed by the capture of Pôn children for sacrifice to Histê gods.
Sîu is a gentle soul, but after her brother was taken, she adapted her skills in herbal healing and has taken up the ancient art of Hototûkô-no, the study of lethal poisons.
A depiction of the village Ulnusferâ on the Elsufênu River, well known as a haven for smugglers and thieves. It is located about thirty horizons west of the city of Aprelêu on the Gorotan Peninsula.
Castle Festoludin dû Volûsu during the Storm of Ages in the year 482 of Remembered Time. The castle is later repaired and turned into a prison for pirates and smugglers as well as any political foe the powerful want disappeared.
This prison is located on a small island on the eastern edge of the Emulên Islands in the Gulf of Tomulok, a region often at war with the dueling interests of the Nation of Boboru and the Goro Cities.