Sundering the Gods

Hello, and welcome to home of the Sundering the Gods Saga. Here you will find a collection of maps and sundry other tidbits to enhance and enlighten your journey into the world of the Sister Continents, so please feel free to browse around or drop the author a note to let him now what you you enjoyed and how your experience could be even better.

Tarry thy thoughts, Harry thy thoughts!
​Ha ha ha ha!
​Only a mad man notes his own laughter.
​So they say, so They say, so they Say.
​I do not believe them. Do you, foolish reader?
​Who do I fool? Only fools who believe me mad will ever read this.
​Better a Mad man than a Dunce man.
​So prove your worth oh Worthy! Go, Laugh, laugh Out Loud!
​And take note of it. 

—Tomes of the Touched

© 2022 L. James Rice